Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Gaianic Left's Verbal Dazzle Camo

Dazzle camouflage does not try to blend into the background but rather deflects your attention, with lines on different horizons than the one it occupies.

A crypto-religion is a religion that seeks gain through deception, by amassing followers by denying that is a religion, claiming it is really based on what is either harmless or self-evident.

Gaianist doctrine can be defined as inversions of the four basic dualities of Genesis: Creator above Creation, Mankind uniquely made in God’s Image, Men uniquely reflecting God’s image vis a vis women, and good/holiness with God vs sin/evil apart from God. So Gaianic doctrine is that the universe is self-created and self-imbued with impersonal wisdom, mankind is merely another type of animal, human males and females merely have different reproductive organs, and there only what is “natural” and not what is holy.

The Left conceives of progress in Gaianistic terms in contra to a Judeo-Christian heritage and "status quo".  The modern Left as a social movement can be described "Social Gaianism".   Since Gaianism is diametrically opposed to the foundational ideas of the Bible, it cannot socially advance with these ideas front and center in the West and particularly the U.S. with such a history connected to Christendom.  So Social Gaianism must advance under the banner of false flags, claiming to be self-evident moral progress against all manner of social ills.  The Gaianic Left has advanced through  deception and has for the past several years been trying to achieve institutional control of our nation.  

The religion of the modern Left can be described as “Crypto-Gaianism”.  Crytpo-Gaianism needs convey its metaphysical ideas of what is good and not good.  But, as a crypto-religion, it cannot be overtly metaphyical, so it must simultaenously convey and hide its metaphysics.  So Gaianism is verbally parasitic, appropriating words from their true, traditional meaning within Christendom and surreptitiously redefining them with a cultish meaning within Gaianism.  

An individual Leftist may not even be fully conscious that they are part of a Gaianic crypto-religion, and may be brainwashed into believing that what they believe is self-evident.  The clue that the are brain-washed into a cult is that they adhere to their Gaianic presuppositions in contra to counterveiling logic and evidence, and religiously follow the shifting intentions of the Gaianic collective.

In service of their religion, a Gaianist Leftist will engage in various forms of Gaianic "jihad" in words and deeds against Christendom, its primary foe (The Gaianic Left and radical Islam have had an alliance against Christendom). Gaianism uses verbal/linquistic dazzle camouflage using plundered words, as a tool of war, to simultaneously advance and hide its advancement, to gain dishonest ground. 

When a Gaianaist calls you a “racist”, it is actually because you are misaligned with Gaianic presuppositions and values. Since Gaianism does not believe in good and evil, “racism” is one of its many substitute words for evil/wrongness.

And at the same time they are defining you in contra to their Gaianic cult, they are deflecting the conversation about you toward a concept of “racism” within its established Christendom meaning that lies on a different horizon outside Gaianism, to try to harness the energy of that conversation to achieve a Gaianic advantage. They want the non-Gaianaist on their back-foot, defending that they are not a “racist” according to its established meaning. In the fog of verbal war the Crypto-Gaianist gains dishonest institutional and cultural ground for Gaianism as a warrior against “racism”, and benefits from the confusion between its Gaianistic meaning and its meaning within Christendom. 

The key to confronting Gaianism begins by not being mis-deflected by their dazzle camo into conversations on false horizons. The more you can define the outline of their cult, there in plain sight on its true horizon, the more you can confine it to the conversation on cults that it belongs in and bind it in its cage away from a conversation on moral progress, common sense and decency.